In accordance with the Law on National Bank of Republic of Moldova, annual financial statements, accounts and registers of the National Bank are subject to annual external audit, in compliance with International Standards on Auditing, which is to be performed by a well-known external audit body, with a valuable experience in auditing central banks and international financial institutions. At the same time, the Law on financial institutions sets the requirements on the obligation of banks to contract an independent audit company, approved by the National Bank of Moldova, which, apart from other duties, will produce a report on its annual activity and an opinion asserting how accurately the reports address its financial condition.
Although it is a field which implies probably the highest degree of professionalism, Priminfo-Grup holds the documents, knowledge and judgements which are imperative for conducting financial audit in this sector. We conduct financial institutions’ audit basing on a professional and independent examination of the annual financial statements provided by financial entities.
We conduct financial audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISA), harmonised with the regulatory requirements set by the national legislation in the banking sector.
Whether optional or compulsory, the audit of annual financial statements stands for a severe, objective and systematized test for the entities. Alongside with the main audit task related to the confirmation of the financial status of a financial institution, we also lay an emphasis on identifying eventual risks likely to affect the future of a financial institution, as well as working out solutions meant to reduce and avoid the concluded risks.
Priminfo-Grup – The support you need!