Nobody understands better the ever-changing, imperfect and, sometimes, ambiguous nature of the legal framework in the economic-financial field than those operating in various sectors of economy.
It is those who practice or develop a business, i.e. the tax-payers, who have reached the conclusion that excessive expenses are not applicable any more, and that the days have passed when the financial management and fiscal management could be unreasonably performed just for avoiding to make the Tax Service „feel uncomfortable”. Regardless of the society’s dimensions, each conducted transaction can bear numerous negative consequences for the company. Today, you cannot afford not to have non-professionals within or next to your company, specialists who will provide all the necessary fiscal support. As, in most of the cases, this is what makes the difference between the comfort of a correct decision and the stress of „guessing” the best solutions.
At the present moment, we can confidently declare that the company’s intention to get most of the profit, by observing the legal norms set by the Tax Code needs professional fiscal consultancy services.
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