Legal entities who pay wages "in envelopes" will pay a fine up to 75 thousand lei

Fines for payment of wages "in envelopes" will be increased to 25 thousand lei for individuals, and up to 75 thousand lei for legal entities, according to a draft amendment to legislation approved by the Government.

De asemenea, modificările prevăd majorarea unităţii convenţionale de la 20 de lei, cât este în prezent, până la 1% din salariul mediu prognozat pe economie, ceea ce ar fi egal cu 50,5 lei în anul 2016, ca urmare vor fi operate schimbări corespunzătoare la Codul penal, Codul de procedură penală şi Codul contravenţional. Totodată, această unitate convenţională urmează a fi ajustată anual în funcţie de salariul mediu lunar pe economie prognozat de Guvern.

Also, the changes envisage to increase the conventional unit from 20 lei, as it is now, up to 1% of the average salary in the economy, which would be equal to 50.5 lei in 2016,  as a result, corresponding changes to the Criminal Code, Criminal Procedure Code and Code of Offences will be introduced. However, this conventional unit is to be adjusted annually based on the average salary in the economy, forecasted by the Government.

According to the estimates of some research institutions, to which referrs the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova, the amount of wages paid "in envelopes" is about 15.5 billion lei, or about 50 percent of the annual fund of labor.

The document will be examined by Parliament.