The number of regulatory agencies will be reduced

The Government of the Republic of Moldova approved some adjustments and changes to the regulatory framework, especially to the Law 131 on the control over the activity of business, which stipulates the essential reduction of the number of regulatory agencies with control functions. Thus, out of 33 existent regulatory agencies only 11 will remain, as well as 5 independent regulators.

The reform of state control system was started a few months ago by the moratorium on state control and approval of amendments to control procedures.

An innovation of the reform are tougher rules for those who initiate and carry the control, and their tough penalization, including a fine in case of abuses. An another innovation would be to create Councils for dispute settlements in all control bodies, involving representatives from the business community.

Also, the reform involves merging control bodies by specific areas and specific types of risks with transparent annual controls plans, risk criteria established, with an ongoing process of risk  analysis and assessment, excluding even the smallest duplications of areas of competence.