The draft law on moratorium on state control, which stipulates to set up a moratorium for a three-months period on economic agents’ controls , was adopted by the Parliament in the first reading. The document will come into force after being adopted in the second reading.
According to the informative note attached to the draft, the moratorium applies "on any control by state bodies for a period of three months covered by any normative act".The document provides the introduction of the moratorium "on state control, including fiscal, financial, customs, quality of products/services, public health, technological parameters and/or specific requirements for the type of activity, compliance with labor, health and fire protection norms, planned or inopinate, on the spot, at the headquarters, workplaces or goods storages of individuals, conducting entrepreneurial activities ".
Also, during state control, relevant control bodies are forbidden to lift goods or other objects of information, to seize or seal on assets, rooms or any other goods.
However, there are situations when state control is inevitable. Thus, in cases where there is imminent danger to life, health, economic security of the state and environment, the body empowered with control functions addresses a request to the Ministry of Economy to initiate the state control procedure on site. In such circumstances the actions of the control bodies must be justified.
At the same time, the law does not apply to controls carried out within penal trials, by the National Bank of Moldova and the Court of Accounts. However, the moratorium does not apply to controls carried out at the request of individuals and legal entities applying for the issue, prolongation of permits, licenses, certificates and other permissive documents, as well as at consumer demand, by the competent bodies responsible for their protection.
The government has opened a phone line, where economic agents can inform about control bodies abuses. The phone (022) 823-823 will be available on business days, between 08.00 - 17.00.