“We find the amendments to the legislation meant to simplify the creation of new enterprises as very positive. Such amendments rely in annulling the requirements for legal entities to have a stamp for registration, excluding the obligation to have an equity capital of at least 5.4 thousand MDL and to transfer the financial means of at least 40 per cent from the equity capital up till the moment of the company’s state registration”, Viorel Dandara, director of Priminfo-Grup, declared.
In his opinions, the new amendments voted by the Parliament in the first hearing foresee the requirements to have a stamp for registering enterprises as optional. The amount of the equity capital shall be determined by the founder in the company’s internal Regulation. “The compulsory registration of the tax-payer at tax bodies is foreseen only when the state identification number is different from the fiscal code. The amendments to the Tax Code, Civil Code, Law on basic principles for regulating the entrepreneurship activity, Law on limited liability companies, have been further on approved by the Government in accordance with the Roadmap of steps meant to remove all critical barriers which hinder the development of a positive business climate for the years 2013-2014”, Dandara wished to inform.
While commenting upon this draft law, Dandara mentioned that, basically, it had a liberal nature: the economic agent has more freedom to act. “Such a situation is likely to stimulate the appearance of a ”one-day” companies, which would affect the activity of other economic agents provided that former do not necessarily have correct intentions for some deals. The cheated entrepreneur will have fewer chances to recover the losses from a newly-born economic agent which does not have at least the equity capital in amount of 5.4 thousand MDL”.
Viorel Dandara also added: „Although the stamp and the equity capital are optional under this draft law, I suggest to the newly-established companies to have these elements of authentication, as this would boost the level of confidence on behalf of the future partners”. However, at this stage, the degree of responsibility and the business culture do not allow for the implementation of such amendments capable of generating a radical liberalisation in the respective sector.